
Building the Right Shed for Your Geographic Location

A lot of shed builders will plonk a shed down in any location without a care in the world about whether the site is right for the type of shed that’s going up. It’s called generic-engineering, and it pays no attention to the terrain, wind region, or shielding and terrain.

Sometimes you might get lucky, and your shiny new shed will stay upright for years.  However, all it might take to have your shed come tumbling down like a house-of-cards would be a good and strong westerly, or a couple of days of heavy rain.

And with all the global warming that’s been going on, we’ve been told to expect more of the occasional stiff breeze from a cyclone or two. Remember cyclone Debbie? She huffed and puffed and blew a few dodgy sheds down. Don’t risk a cyclone destroying your valuable property and use a cyclone rated, Shed Safe accredited design.

Without paying attention to the type of shed and whether it’s right for the geographic location it’s going up on, you’re essentially gambling with your money, and possibly your livelihood. Plus, it’s no fun being on the inside of a shed that’s about to fall down around your ears.

It’s a safe bet that you want your shed to stay upright for a few years yet, and the best way to do that is to use site-specific engineering, a process that happens long before the hammer and nails come out.

In Australia, most local authorities take a very dim view on structures that don’t use site-specific engineering. So, if your shed goes up without it, it’s most likely not going to be up to code.

If you can’t be bothered checking, don’t be too surprised if an official-looking type comes knocking and gives you an order to take the shed down; that’s definitely going to blow the monthly budget.

Wind Regions

Those in the know have divvied up Queensland into a number of wind regions. Outside of these areas the topography and terrain must also be considered to determine the type of structure which can be erected in that area. All Lockyer Sheds are fully compliant with all local codes so we can help you identify the exact type of structure you need and ensure it’s suitable for your area.

Shielding and Terrain

The engineering required for your shed will be determined by the local landscape, the terrain, and the positioning of the building. If the wind is free to blow through, unfettered by trees or surrounding buildings, the structure will need a more highly specified design than the average garage built in the middle of suburbia.


Sheds at the top of a hill cop a lot more wind than a shed that’s nestled away in Frog Hollow. The physical position of the shed will play a lot into the engineering required if it’s to stand a chance at staying upright. If your shed supplier doesn’t know the specific location of where it will be erected, then any quote they provide is a non-starter.

Once you have a design firmly in hand, it will then be certified and cross-checked by one of the specialists at Lockyer Sheds, who all have the necessary qualifications to ensure your next shed is safe, secure, and up to code.

The team at Lockyer Sheds will ensure that every factor about your structure has been considered and that it can withstand whatever the terrain and weather will throw at it for many years.

When you call, throw in the details about the geographic location, and we’ll send you back an accurate quote. And don’t forget, our Fair Dinkum Sheds are all Shed Safe accredited.

Call Lockyer Sheds today, a small family-owned business which knows all there is to know about sheds. After all, we’ve been doing it for over 17 years now, so we should know a thing or two about what makes a good quality shed.